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Posts posted by Teffany

  1. I just want to tell U that U are a courageous woman. You put up with yr boyfriend's jokes of bad taste and it's not easy. Let me just tell you that I once was in the same situation. I had a boyfriend who made jokes of getting back with his ex-girlfriend often. one time I was shopping @ the mall and coincidentally saw the two of them shopping in one of the stores. I was so mad that simply left the mall and went home... I cried, cried and cried. Later on the same day, my boyfriend called, I didn't pick up the phone because I didn't know how to handdle the situation. However, while listening to him leaving the message, it was hurtful to hear him lie that he will see me the next day because he had to work late. I loved and still love him so much. But I had to move on with my life. Because we both had conversations of his bad jokes and he didn't care until I caught them w/ my own eyes. To be honest with you, I realised that seing them together might have been the sign from God. It might have been the sign that my boyfriend is not honest and will not be honest if I ever married him. I knew that he loved me and I was afraid not find someone who will love me in the future. I' am currently dating someone else with better qualities and I never had a happier relationship. *Just remember that everything happens for a reason. Perhaps, your boyfirnd attitude could be a sign that you are probably ignoring. I' am sure that U can make the right decision.


    Good luck

  2. First of all I would like to say that it is very important when people admit they have problems. To be honest with you...your admission shows that you are "not" a bad a person at all. What happens is people around you bring you down & this is where your low self-esteem is coming from. Usually, people with low self-esteem intend to bring others down and hurt others feelings. I come to the conclusion, that your bad behavior isn't only your problem but as well as your family problems because they are the ones who hurt your feelings constantly. Perhaps they don't even notice that the're doing damage to you. I trully believe you should talk to your family and tell them how you feel othewise they won't know you're hurt. Maybe you all should look for professional help "therapy".


    Good luck.

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