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Posts posted by betrayed_by_husband

  1. I have been married for 18 years. For the last two years, there have half a dozen times when I suspected he was cheating. I believed his excuses and went on. Yesterday, I found proof of their affair in hotel receipts, etc. I confronted him and he finally confessed because there was no way to deny it. He has been seeing her for 2 years. He has gone on trips with her, gone on dates, and seen her at her home for two years. He admits to sleeping with her for 20 times or more. He says he has broken it off many times because he knows he didn't want to leave me but he goes back to her. Now, he says that being discovered is a "wake up" call for him and he is ready to break it up with her and work on our marriage. He said she is mad at him anyway because he hasn't left the marriage. We have two kids and a very nice home. I make the same as him salary wise. He says he doesn't want to disrupt our kids and wants to work on the marriage. He has been cold and distant with us for two years. I wonder if he is sincere or he wants to keep our lifestyle rather than our marriage. He had two years of opportunity to change his course but didn't. I've been crying for three days and don't know what to do. Advise, please!

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