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Bunny Girl

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Posts posted by Bunny Girl

  1. Hi Spanisheyes


    I am in the same position as you and I am getting very frustrated. I have been with my BF for 6 years, and we are so good together, he is so sweet and loving but our sex has dimished dramatically. We used to be soooo sexual and always doing new and naughty things, but it has slowly started to fade in the past couple of years.


    I know our relationship is very special and it is something that I do not want to loose. I have taking the initiative to start talking to him a lot more to find out what our turns are. I think you should just start to initiate sex a lot more. Start making more time for each other. Start winding each other up by texting or emailing what you want to do to him that evening.


    I know you probably don't want to make the first move all the time but if you start to hopefully it will encourage him to do the same.

  2. I am in the same boat with my boyfriend, we have been together for 6 years and his sex drive has decreased in the past couple of years.


    We used to do pills together all the time and have wild nights of passion with and without them. To be honest they are fun to have sex on but not very often. I would go for trying something more legal. You can buy sex pills from sex shops in london and they contain things like effadrine and can get you quite turned on.


    If you do decide to do pills please please be careful and read up a lot about the affects first.

  3. I am hoping someone might be able to help me here, I have been with my BF for 6 years and we are very much in love, except our sex life has gone out of the window in recent years. We used to be at it like rabbits! We used to share the most intimate fantasies, and now my BF says that he has no sex drive.

    He gets very defensive when we talk about it, so it is very hard to mention anything. When ever we have sex its very predictable and I find it hard to get arroused. We only seem to do it about every 4-6 weeks.

    After 6 years we need to spice things up a bit, and he says he still finds me attractive, and I still fancy him. Has anyone here every been in this situation? How did you handle it?

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