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Posts posted by Hunkaburninloveinks

  1. I am probably not the best person to get along with-living a life where I am happier now that she has moved out while the divorce gets finalized. She says that I hit her 15x during our marriage-I can only remember two times. One thing that I probably should have done was divorce her last year when I found her having an affair with an Air Force airman. I thought that we would be able to work things out-but it always lingered in my mind that she was still talking to him. I know, from what she has said, that he has been in contact with her-thus far after he "pulled away from cyberspace."

    She has had online affairs with several different men during our marriage. I wish that I had not married her now that I think of it. She said that she had been molested/raped for several years (16) while growing up. Looking back on it-I find it interesting that she was "cherry" when we first made love. I keep thinking to some of the things that she had done-wishing that I had picked up on some of the stuff that she was doing & thus ending the relationship back then.

    The first time that I caught her cheating, I took my wedding ring off & left the house. She said it was "all RP-nothing real..." but I know now that it was a lie...

    I don't know if I will find love again-or if I can find love again...

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