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Posts posted by WillHendrex

  1. 6 minutes ago, Jibralta said:

    I get the impression that you jump to conclusions a lot.

    What other kind of personality actually makes the time to track someone's trip?

    Those who are uninterested ulterior motives would be bored out of their minds. 

    Again, she was scared to make the trip alone so I asked it would making her feel safer if I kept track of where her phone was. If she got hurt or worse I would be able to tell her phone wasn't moving or moving to the wrong state. This is something she wanted me to do but obviously forgot this was happening. I am not going explain this again. Either read the post or don't comment.

  2. 1 minute ago, Wiseman2 said:

    It's her phone so she can manage the settings. If you don't trust her, reconsider the relationship.

    Doesn't change the fact that she lied about how many bars she had. She would not even have known if I had pointed out to her her battery is at 23%

  3. 1 minute ago, Batya33 said:

    Why track her phone?

    Again, she was scared to make the trip alone so I asked it would making her feel safer if I kept track of where her phone was. If she got hurt or worse I would be able to tell her phone wasn't moving or moving to the wrong state. This is something she wanted me to do but obviously forgot this was happening. I am not going explain this again. Either read the post or don't comment.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

    Do you in general trust your partner?  Does she know you track her phone in this manner?

    Yeah I don't see why I shouldn't trust her until now. I caught her texting her ex when we first got together but that was years ago. I can tell you didn't read the post. I asked her weeks before she left if she wanted me to track her phone for the trip. She obviously forgot that was happening. She forgets a lot of what I say. I am not a jealous type. if she had told me from the beginning she wanted to be non exclusive I would have went along with that happily.


  5. So my GF decided to drive cross country to go to her niece's graduation party. She was scared about making the 10 hr trip by herself so I suggested logging me into her email that is connected to the phone so I can see if there was any unusual movements with her phone ie suddenly starts moving in an odd direction or just stops moving entirely. Fast forward two weeks later she makes it to her home town, calls me and after talking to her for a few minutes I suggested she charge her phone because I was showing she was at 23% battery. This where it gets weird......

    She gasps like her heart had just hit the ground, starts making seemingly fake static noises, starts claiming she only has one bar of signal and saying she is about to lose the call. The find my device feature I am using also tells me how much signal she is getting and I told her that I can see that she has full signal and she has had full signal the entire drive. She isn't in a weird cell phone area like the mountains or middle of nowhere. Then she starts fumbling her words and ends the call. About five-ten minutes later I see the phone location has been shut off. She isn't very smart and has a real bad memory so would likely forget about the conversation we had two weeks before she left about having the location on.  5 to 10 minutes is about the amount of time you would need to figure out how to turn you location off or ask someone to do it for you. It seems really weird that she thought she could get away with saying she had no signal and she wouldn't know that I can see how much signal she is getting on my end......and the location shuts off. She probably didn't even think she was basically telling on herself. About an hour later the location comes back on at her sister's house and she tries not even talk about what just happen. I insisted she just hear me out so she knows why I thinks it weird but all she could say she doesn't know how any of that works and doesn't know what to tell me.

    Am I jumping to conclusions or does this seem suspect? I am not going to so distraught if she is being unfaithful. I will just find a new girl. It won't mess up my life at all. I just don't want to move on with someone who thinks its okay to leave town and suddenly start lying to me especially when there plenty of pretty single thirsty women in this town. 

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