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Posts posted by WeWillBeToge

  1. Hi!

    I just want to start by saying this thread has helped me tremendously the past 6 months. I came here when my ex and I were broken up 6 months already ( we are broken up a year now with NC ). Anyway, this is a getting back together thread so I thought I'd post my own stories to remind myself and show you that they do come back.


    - Relationship 1: He was my serious first bf and I was really in love with him. At 6 months he breaks up with me saying he didn't love me and that he was in love with another girl. This crushed me hard. I remember crying my eyes out for days. I didn't know about the NC rule at the time but I applied it immediately after the breakup. 10 days post BU and NC, he texts me that he still loves me and he wants to try again. It made me so happy and I agreed to get back together. Another 2 months pass he breaks up again. I am sad again but get over it faster. A couple of weeks later he comes back again. I give him another chance ( stupid I know but I had low self esteem and I still loved him). We are back together again for a few weeks and ......yes he breaks up again.In total I gave him 5 chances!!! But in the end I got tired of the games and just never contacted him again. I moved on happily with my life ( hadn't seen or spoken to him since ) and 5 years later I see a dream about him and the next day he suddenly appears at a coffee shop I was at. I was shocked but I was so over him I actually hid so that he wouldn't see me and come talk to me. Thankfully I have never heard or seen him again. ( I was dumpee /he was the dumper )


    - Relationship 2 : He was more of a rebound guy after guy #1. We had a thing for 3 months but I just wasn't feeling it so I broke it off with him. I moved on with my life and I even tried to set him up with a friend. We had limited contact until we just stopped talking to eachother. A few years later ( maybe 4?) I bump into him on the street! We chat and he asks for my new number. I give it to him and less than 24 hours later he texts me asking to get back together. I politely decline. He sends another text a few days later asking again. At this point I had not feeling for him and he started to annoy me so I just never replied. Thankfully again he hasn't reached out again. ( I was the dumper / he was the dumpee )


    - Relationship 3: I was together with guy #3 for 4 months in total. I enjoyed his company but never really loved him. Towards the end I realized that we were just not compatible. Weeks before breaking up with him, I met someone else and fell in love. I broke up with guy #3 and it was mutual ( or so it seemed). I immediately start a relationship with guy#4. This is where I started using social media, so I remove ex#3 from my social media. About a year later I somehow find out that ex#3 got married and I am genuinely happy for him but never reach out to him. We are NC since BU. I think another year passes and I get a text from ex#3. He got divorced and tells me I was the best thing that ever happened to him. I was so in love to new guy I was seeing in my new relationship so I ignore the message. A few months later I get a friend request from ex#3. I accept and he wants to chat but I again ignore. A few months after that he texts me again and I ignore. He probably texted 2-3 more times after that throughout the years but I ignored all of them. At this point I had been with the new guy 4 years. ( I was dumper/ he was dumpee )


    - Relationship 4: Guy #4 and I had the best relationship but our love just faded. We remained best friends ( and still are).


    - Relationship 5: Guy #5 had been in the picture for a while but we never acted on our mutual attraction because we both were in relationships at the time. Some time between 3 and 4, we had met and gone on one date but nothing ever happened after that so we left it there. Fast forward a few years later and he and I start talking and decide to give it a go. There was a lot of passion between us and it all seemed perfect. We had dated only for a month and my insecurities got in the way and I became needy/ clingy. This turned him off and he literally disappeared. He ghosted me. That hurt like hell. I unknowingly did NC again but after a month post-breakup I reached out to him. He ignored my message and never replied. That crushed me because I was in love with him. I deleted him from my social media to heal but in my heart I wished he would contact me. This is where I started reading about LOA and the NC rule. I stuck to it and visualised of the day he would come back. For a year I was still thinking about him and longing for his message. Nothing happened. A year and a half ( or 2 years ) went by and I ad forgotten about him living my life happily. One day out of the blue guess what? He contacts me! I was so shocked. Unfortunately for him I was over him already. We did talk but I was cold and just cut him off. 6 months later he texts me again but I ignored ( I was dumpee/ he was dumper ).


    I have more stories but they were short flings so I'm not gonna mention them. The thing is even in those flings they always reached out again.


    I am now waiting for guy #6 to come back. We had the most intense 1 year relationship. He thought I was the one and I thought he was the one. It started falling apart 6 months into our relationship and due to explosive continuous fighting, I ended it. He contacted me to get back a month later and we got back together. A month after we were together the fighting got worse became really bad and we broke up again. In retrospect, we rushed into the second try without resolving our issues. It was so hard on both of us. We both even moved countries to leave the hurt behind and start over. We have been NC ( and also don't follow each other on social media) since and its been a year now. I still think about him every day and have faith that we will reunite again soon. I know I will come back with "get back together" story about him and I promise to keep you posted when it happens. ( I was the dumper/ he the dumpee )


    Writing this post made me realize that all my exes have come back and it gives me hope that I will be back with guy#6. However I won't sit waiting. In all the stories above they all came back when I moved on with my life. So I guess it's a fact that once you move forward, get better and most importantly live your life, it's like they can sense it and they come back. In some cases I was the dumper and in others the dumpee. So in the end it doesn't matter who dumped who. Reconnection happened.

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