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Posts posted by Rickcolton

  1. You


    You are always in my heart and my thoughts, I check my phone constantly to see if you’ve text, I hope you’ve text. But you never have.


    I long to be able to hear your voice, see your face, feel your skin, to hear about your day and the kids. To be part of your life again, would be to mean happiness for me.


    I am not sure what has happened as to why this went so quickly this way. The way you can just shut off really hurts. I don’t know if your upset about us splitting up or can even contemplate me and you being together again.


    This has devastated me, I’m not telling this for guilt but just to show if there was ever any doubt in your mind how much I care for you. I’ve been signed off work for a week, I’ve not had a day sick in 14 years! I’ve been put on diazapan to stop my anxiety. I’m trying to get back on track.


    The urge to call you or come around is intense, I miss you so much I am at a loss as what to do with myself. I have lost not only you but a little family that I felt part of. I would do anything to get that back.


    I hope one day we can meet again, rekindle that spark we once had. I want to be your mr C again. And I would very much like you to be my Mrs C.


    For now and forever I love you

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