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Posts posted by knownot

  1. hello

    ok well here's one you may not have heard.

    there's this girl, and she is probably the best friend i have (dont have that many). Now i have known her for 2 years and have liked her just as long. Thing is i think she probably liked me too back when i met her. I am a rather shy person and social things have never been my forte. Now the problem is that she used to try tremendously hard to get me to come out to lots and lots of stuff but i declined on many occasions just making up stupid excuses for some reason or another, i really don't know why, shyness and such (yes i know i am stupid). She would get very cross with me at times and i have never seen her get soo worked up when someone else wouldn't come to something.


    The trouble is that she no longer bothers with the whole trying to convince me thing. I have asked her why she no longer gets angry with me on such occasions and she said she's given up or thats she's over it.


    Now i know that it is my fault and that i have tried her patience but what i would really appreciate is some advice on what i should i do about it? i really like her but i dont know what to do to change her mind again.


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