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Posts posted by Celestial

  1. I think there are some misconceptions as to what a love spell is.

    First - of course you miss him and I know everyone will say "do you really want this guy back and under some spell etc."

    I think when you are hurting this kind of "logic" is counterproductive. The head does not make decisions in matters of the heart.

    Also, when you become involved with someone your energies interact and when that person abruptly pulls away the other person often has a psychic and emotional trauma - it takes a while to heal such a hurt.


    NOW, if you are serious about the love spell I am providing you with a link for you to get more information on it. I do NOT have anything to do with this place but it helped give me information for myself in explaining the way spells DO work.

    I hope this helps you - I will be thinking of you and wishing for your healing in this.

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