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Posts posted by Nottoday4

  1. You know... I think about you all the time. I'm trying to heal without you. I just need for time go by faster. I need to see changes in my life already even though it's only been a week since you left. I'm doing NC though and either way you won't reply because I tried reaching out to you. I thought you were someone I could be open with and express all my fears. You left me in my darkest moments.. I don't blame you I just couldn't control my emotions. I am working on that and working on myself. You leaving was a wake up call for me to get right back up. I know I will have good and bad days without you. I feel incomplete yet relieved. I know one day you will come back to me and idk how I'll be handling that. I just know that I love you with all of my heart yet I resent you for giving up on us. I also know I'll be a better person then. I wonder if you even miss me rn. If you think of me or if your goals will always be your priority...

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