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Posts posted by SmartiePants

  1. I dont have a reconciliation story with ex as I am currently going through break up myself unfortunately. But I have a reconciliation story with my friend. I count is as somewhat relevant as it shows time heals and make people change. I have a friend which we had been friends for 5 years with before she decided she did not want to be my friend anymore. We were getting along well but we had somewhat different opinions, different interests and picked at each other, argued often etc. I also thought she always put me down with anything I had to say, any idea etc. in a very negative way . One day she said she could not take it anymore and it was too stressful and we just went into total instant no contact. I blocked her off my fb so she would not see what I am up to and did not think anything negative about me and we forgot about each over for several months, maybe a year. Until one day out of blue I received a message from her she wanted to invite me for a dinner and catch up. To be honest I was not up to it right away. I said I did not know and maybe sometime in a future if I had time. I think I only messaged her back in a month or so and we went out. It was nice to catch up and we are friends again now. We put the past to rest and I think our friendship is much better and more positive right now.

    And BTW, I did make some new friends but they are still not the same. She is still my best friend. I think once you have that special bond, be that your romantic partner or a friend, it never goes away. It is hard to create the same bond with someone else. Sure enough you can meet other people you get along with well but it is never the same. Takes that special person to bond with

    I hope one day I might be able to post here a reconciliation story with my bf

  2. By the end of the day 5 I felt much better trying to convince myself that my ex bf was not worth my suffering. I am going to say this mantra every day to myself " If he really loves me he will make an effort to contact me to work things out" . In our case no one dumped anyone for another mate I just backed out because I felt he lost interest and our relationship has come to the end. I did not get definite "yes" or "no" from him. But my heart tells me its "no" from his end. We'll see what NC will bring

  3. Day 5 for me and I feel pretty pretty down. I've been reading this thread for the last few days especially paying attention to the males' posts about how they feel after the break up during NC period. Some posts touched me very deeply as I was realizing that men suffer just as much as women if not more. I cried along reading how some men cry and dream about their ex to come back etc. As much as I want my current ex bf to go through the same pain as I am in now I don't think he is. However, this thread made me realize that my ex husband most likely went through this suffering when I dumped him for another man. While it was not really "true" dumping as at that time we were already separated and not living together but I know he suffered. I know he was jealous, I know he could hardly contain his tears while speaking to me I am sure he went through all this pain described in this thread. They say everything you do will come back to you and it's true. I am now in the same boat experiencing the pain which is unbearable. And my ex bf does not even care I am sure. I am trying to pull through this and I am failing miserably. I don't have an urge to contact him anymore as I broke no contact twice before since May 22. So now I am sticking to NC as I realized that contacting him wont change anything. But the pain is unbearable

  4. I tried no contact a couple of times and broke it twice. The longest I was able to handle was just 7 days.This time I am determined to go at least 30 days but aiming at more. I need time to heal, although I admit I want him back. I love him deeply but I don't think our reconciliation is possible. It hurts but I'll be fine. Today is day 4

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