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Posts posted by ZHPpilot1

  1. Well as I'm nearing the end of any chance of a reconciliation, I thought why not post in here as I've read it through and has made me feel better.


    One thing I have noticed though is a lot of these stories always happen to your friends... never with you though. Strange universe.


    So I recently found out that one of my friends who just bought a house with her partner originally broke up for nearly 2 years.


    They ended due to not wanting a long distance thing. She got with another guy 4 months later for about a year but she said it was horrible toward the end and their breakup was not so good.


    Her ex moved back to the area when they bumped into each other and now they haven't looked back. Funnily he travels away a lot for work so they actually doing a semi-LDR now, which shes fine with.


    Stay cool people



    Life will surprise you like that sometimes. Always good to hear a couple getting back together, I believe it spreads hope to others even though the odds are against them. We could all use a little more hope from time to time.

  2. This is such an important step in the healing process! When you get here you are already there! :)

    I am so happy for you Momoya!


    -- My friend has been trying to get over her ex for years now. And lately she was doing good (or so I thought), but then this morning he called her out of the blue. He realized she is the best person for him. I will keep you posted what happend! :)


    Please do, I'm always interested to hear a happy getting back together story.

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