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Posts posted by xplayboybunnie14x

  1. hey STOP POSTING ON HERE I seriously dont care wht any of u think. Im sorry about the cussing onmy last post But im still gonna have that baby...im sorry but i really dont care wht a bunch of strangers think...And i seriously dont think its fair to say that im gonna end up on welfare and beat my child...wht the heck is that?....and no the baby wouldnt end up with my parents sorry to tell yeh....w.e u guys can post on this if u feel u must i just wont read it....Buhbye

  2. ok when did i every say that i was gonna relpy on my father all i said was hes rich and if i needed a little help he would be there for me....And yes there could be a possibity that my bf leaves me no matter wht i would still love my baby i dont need a guy around to be a good mother. And no i didnt ask for anybody approval of having a baby i dont need that ive deff. made up my mind about that this baby will not ruin my life it will actually make it much better. theres nothing more in my life that i want then a baby. I dont go to real school anymore and i dont have any friends so thats not a problem.

  3. ok for living in a crappy house im not worried about that because he lives in a really good apartment and for the money he has a really good job that pays about 15-20 bucks an hour and he doesnt have to work that much and both our fathers are rich as ****. and about babys needing 24/7 care i deff. kno about that because my neighbor had a baby girl almost 2 years ago that she didnt really want so i basically rasied her. i had the baby for months at a time with out even a call from her mother, and she really didnt even kno her own mother so she called me mommy but now her fathers back and i dont see her anymore and i miss have a baby around 24/7 i loved being called mommy and having sumbody to take care of all the time.

  4. Im 14 and i really want a baby ive talked to my boyfriend about it and he thinks its a good idea. Were actually getting together this weekend. He has a car his own apartment and we know moneys not a problem. And i kno my mother would be supportive about it after a while if she didnt kno it was his. but hes 4 years older than me...Can he go to jail for that?...and how would i tell my mother that im having a baby with the one guy she hates?....

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