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Posts posted by Clayton1

  1. Hi Everyone, I had posted a year ago and was pretty heartbroken about a relationship ending ( I had ended it after being together for two years and tried to get the person back but she was having none of it).

    Anyway, I wanted to come back and give an update because this website helped me get through some really tough times. First, I made the right call, and even though I was upset for a long time, it was my emotions talking, not my sane self. I was missing the idea of loving someone, but after several months passed ( around 8) I was able to get the person out of my "blood" so to speak. Last fall, I reconnected with a woman whom I had dated 9 years ago ( but had left when my ex-wife wanted to get back together), but we had always kept in touch over the years. We started seeing each other again, as friends first, but had always kept a torch for each other. Now in May she's moving in with me, and I've never been happier. People do come back into your life,,,,maybe not exactly the people you expect as I had written off us ever getting back together and maintained a friendship with her, with blossomed again into something more. Never give up hope. The world gives you what you need, just not always at the time you want it.

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