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Posts posted by rolando

  1. I know a teacher/student relationship is wrong, not a day goes by when that thought doesn't go through my head. Is it in your opinions that the "signals" i'm reading are not ones of attraction? I'm still going to take it slow but I feel like I shouldn't waste time since this is my last semester here before transferring. This is the first time I've felt like I connected with someone on a different level. Maybe my feelings are getting in the way of rational thought, but whatever the case this woman means alot to me and I feel like if I stood by and did nothing to show her how I feel I would regret it for the rest of my life. I feel like for once I should follow my feelings, even in a complicated situation such as this. All I have at the moment is the safety of uncertainty.

  2. I've been recieving special attention from a teacher of mine whom I adore.

    I'd like to read somones opinon on this to distinguish if I need a reailty check or if I should do something special to show her how I feel.


    Fall semester I was working on gaining my grip to back to reality after coming out of a realationship with an emtionally distraught girl.

    I was very shy and nervous around my instructor so much so that when she would try to spark a conversation with me I would reply with only a word or two.

    I began to take notice of a few things soon into the semester. She let me get away with things she scorned others for. In a class of 40+ I would catch her eyes on me more than often. Sometimes she quickly glanced away when I became aware and other times we would lock eyes for what seemed like an eternity. Things went on that way throughout the fall semester.


    I'm taking another one of her classes this semester. I've became a much more positive and outgoing. At the start of the year I realized things may possibly progress between us. She would always use my books as examples for our (smaller) group. Now it seems no matter where i'm sitting or who i'm sitting with she feels most comforitable teaching the group inside the boundaries of my personal space. When we talk she laughs at my (attemptedly) witty responses. I've also noticed that if I don't pay alot of attention to her she'll flip her hair and focus her attention on something next to me and begin talking more about her life outside the classroom. She seems to be very comforitable being inside my personal space as I do being in hers. We've stared into each others eyes for a prologned period more than a few times. I feel like i'm recieving all the right signals to proceed but I'd like to have an outsiders perspective on this situation.

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