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Posts posted by Yvi

  1. Im torturing myself again last days..going trough guilt, sadness, memories, despair, feeling lost..being happy for good memories and at the same time regret the time wasted with someone who didn't really loved me..because if you did u wouldn't just moved on to someone else that easily. I wish you would never come again..i wish i don't have to see you every once in a while to remind me i'm nothing to you any more..every time you come around and leave it stings..cuz i know you are going back to her. And i know it is real....and i know we are done. I keep telling myself this is for the best..cuz we just weren't right for each other..and we had no future..and i think i knew that from the start..but that dont make things any easier. I messed up..you messed up..and this was the outcome that had to happen. I miss you and i love you..but its time for me to really let you go...i've tried that last months over and over again but this time its real for the first time. I cant wait for you any more..i cant destroy myself and my life for some1 who just walked away like im nothing. So tomorow is the first new day of my life in the last 9 months..the day im moving on from you and leaving you in the past where you belong.

  2. Why..why u had to do it..my birthday was 10 days ago…is it because you feel guilty..or is it cuz of your son..if it is u don’t need to feel thankful..i like him..and what happened with us have nothing to do with him.

    I don’t want your friendship..or your guilt..i don’t need them..it just makes me feel bad and sad and stuck. What I need is to go on with my life…that is what I want cuz I waited for you long enough.

    So just leave me alone to heal in peace…

  3. I love you and I miss you! Im so sorry I was so blind and a coward..im sorry my fear got in the way..you didn’t deserve that. You deserved more of everything…and I didn’t give you that.

    And now you re gone and I wish I can turn back the time.

    I understeand why you left..and I cant be mad at you..i cant hate you..only thing I can do is to let you go..but its so damn hard..

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