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Posts posted by RisingPhoenix29

  1. I have been reading all of these posts with everyone worrying about age when the difference is only like 2-4 years. When you are in your teens is about the only time that it really matters. The woman I am with is 13 years older than I am, but you would never know it to hang around us. I feel like age is only an issue if you make it an issue. When you are with someone who you are compatible with and like being with or even love, then why should age even be an issue? To me, age difference is an excuse that so many people use who have other reasons for not wanting to be in the relationship. I have always been with older women and the "age" only comes up in the beginning when we first meet, but if two people truly like being with each other and spending time with one another, age is never relevant. I just can't believe it when I'm reading posts where people are saying that they are 23 and the other is 25 or 26, will it work. No matter what the age, it will only work if you want it to work. Don't use age as an excuse for being unsure in a relationship. If you're asking if age is going to be an issue, then you're probably not ready to be in that relationship.

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