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Posts posted by CityGirl

  1. I've been cutting myself off and on for a few years. Not a lot, but recently my cutting has increased. I'm sick of my actions, and aware that they aren't going to solve any of my problems. I'm also tired of feeling ashamed of my scars the next day.


    I know it is a problem and I want to stop.


    Other than hiding all the sharp objects in the house -- and that isn't realistic since I'm 26, live alone, and need to cook for myself -- what are some tips from those who have stopped (or are in the process of stopping) on what worked for them????


    Anything concrete would be helpful. It really has become like a drug now: when I feel really upset, I just grab a sharp object... So anything I can do to head myself off at the pass would be very appreciated.


    Thanks guys for your help!

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