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Posts posted by Hula567

  1. Remember the guy who took you into his home and shared his love, his space and time with you? The guy who you told you wanted to have a future with? I remember in the end you told me that you care about me and that I was your friend. But then you just cut me out of your life completely. And you made me say things out of desperation you even made me propose to you. That was something I did in the moment and I hope you know that it was never how I truly felt. You were the one pushing for all this. Children and marriage, and I said it to try to change your mind because of how weak I was in the moment. I wouldn't have married you or even thought about it unless you show me some love and respect which you never did in the entire relationship. Remember that one time I asked you to talk one time a few weeks after the breakup? That would have been the right time to quickly speak and I would have felt better for months. I asked you why you cut me out of your life entirely and you said you didn't and that you just needed more time before we could have a conversation. Now it has been months, and the guy who was there for you for all this time selflessly, supporting you for months is still suffering from panic attacks every day. You still never reach out to me to speak and I don't understand why. I don't miss you or the relationship. I hope you understand that I was over that months ago. But the way you walked out of my life like all we had has never happened, is somerhing I would really like to understand. You made me write you instead of letting me talk. You treated me like garbage as soon as you didn't need me anymore. You know my past and you know what you are doing to me every day you just ignore everything we shared. Did you want me to suffer like this? Or you just never cared about my feelings? You are ashamed of using me for months and not contributing much in return? Were you that desperate to find someone to have children with? You know I couldn't afford taking care of you anymore. I tried, I gave you all and you just step on me like this. Please explain all this. I know we aren't compatible that is not reason enough to treat me like this. I know I wasn't always nice, but I took care of you and you don't appreciate it at all. I hope you never find love again, I hope you won't have children either. I hope you are lonely and unhappy until you die!

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