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Posts posted by daveAA

  1. Hi guys,


    Im going away on vacation for a week, and Id like to get this girl Im interested in a small present while im away, just to let her know that I like her, and that I was thinking about her..


    What would be a good present to get, and how much should I spend..



  2. Hi,


    I finally met up with a girl I was interested in during the week, but I was with friends and she was with friends.. So we jus talked for about 15 mins or so (all our friends were listening and joining in). It was kinda ok - lots of awkwardness and tense silence, and she seemed really embarrassed, and shy ( which i like btw).


    So anyway after a while she just said that she was going out clubbing next week sometime, and she suggested I come along..


    Do you reckon she is still interested? I reckon she wants to meet in that location because the focus is not on talking. Also I am quite shy myself - do you thnk that this will work, or will it always be awkward because both of us will find it hard to do the talking. What are good ways of breaking down the barriers?


    I really like this girl and am afraid of scewing it up..



  3. Help!


    Over the last month I have gone out with about 2 girls ( a record for me) for one date, but each time I get soo nervous that I just end up acting really quiet and weird! Not surprisingly, the girls are not interested after that...


    Im starting to wonder if Ive got aspergers or some other personality disorder

  4. Ok so heres my prob...


    i like this girl, but i dont really know her that well, but been txtin for a week or so...and i sent her a valentines day card - jus a really cheesy one that sings, nothin too heavy!!!


    anyway the other day she said that she wasnt really lookin forward to valentines day cause its usually depressin, so i replied and said that i think it could be better this year, and she was lookin to know why i thought that, but i jus kinda said shed have to wait an see...


    so anyhow i sent her a msg on fri nite just lookin to know how work went, and said it wasnt long to vday now, and ended it wit xo...


    well she didnt reply ( i tried to get her to go out on sat nite but she didnt reply to that msg either!), so i thought that was that, but she finally replied today sayin sorry wit some excuse, then said that "theres only one day to vday now!!"...


    so two questions... did i go overboard wit the xo, and then that kinda scared her of a bit!!


    an do u reckon shes expectin a bit more than jus a card on valentines day!!!??




  5. Hey,


    Ive arranged to meet this girl - been txting 4 a few weeks, and asked her out a few times but it never worked out due to me or her bein busy. Anyhow she said dat she wanted to get to know me better first in a group situation b4 we went out jus the two of us, so anyway shes going out over the weekend and asked me to come along wit a friend.


    So is there any advice when meetin up wit a girl at a niteclub. I really didnt want to do it at a place like this, mainly due to the fact that there would be lots of competition (as she is very pretty), and i would rather jus get to know her 1 on 1.


    Are there any advantages to this approach?




  6. Hey,


    I sent her a message last week sayin that it was nice talkin to her, wished her all the best with her uni exams, and then said the offer was still open..


    I thought that was that, but then she sent a message inviting me to a party on fri nite!


    Thanks guys!


  7. Hi there,


    You sound pretty similar to the stage I was at about a year ago (im 23 now as well) - I couldnt even get girls interested


    However that shyness book will prob tell u all about yourself, but not really offer any advice on how to change the way you are.


    Another ebook that really helped me is at:


    link removed


    I know that this is a referral link, but if u dont wanna use that let me know and ill send u the normal url..


    This book really give me some brilliant tips and advice, which im still using, and slowly getting somewhere with - i can now get girls interested ( as u can prob see from my earlier posts - i got a girls number jus gotta try and move it to the next level now )



    All the best


  8. Hi,


    Has anyone here read the book on love shyness that was written by Dr Gilmartin in 1987?


    It can be downloaded for free here, and I believe it contains some really valuable references to what its really like to be shy when it comes to dating.


    link removed


    Id love to hear other peoples opinion on this book, and this subject, as it really helped me a lot (even though i still have a long way to go!!)




  9. Ok so I finally picked up the courage to ring...


    but it was kinda awkward because I was soo nervous-anyway after about 2 mins of small talk I jus went for it and asked her if she wanted to meet up sometime later in the week, but she said she couldnt cause she had uni exams...after that i had some kind of brain freeze and couldnt think of anything else to say after a couple seconds of silence, so I jus kinda went "well ill leave you to it..., cya".


    So now im no further on...


    should i text her and apologise for being so awkward, or jus leave it a few days, say it was nice talking to her, wish her well in her exams, and ask her to contact me so ill know if shes still interested then?




  10. Hi,


    No ive only met her once, and im not likely to meet her again unless I phone her!


    And i havnt really talked to her that much b4, as my friend went and got her number for me - i had talked to her earlier on very briefly though...


    Im gonna have to do it soon as this was over 1 1/2 weeks ago....



  11. Hey!


    This is sooo frustrating I was sooo close today, I had everythin planned out what to say, went to the phone, and almost dailed the number... then spent an hour tryin to go for it... but i didnt!!




    But i know she is still interested as she immediately replies to my texts, but the clock is ticking.....


    BTW when is the best time to arrange a date? To ring up that day and ask what she is doing that night? or to ring up in the evening and ask about later on that week?


    Thanks again


  12. ok so i chickened out tonite...


    see i have a hard time relating to people as it is... i have few friends, and the ones i do have always tell me im boring... because i find it very hard to keep a conversation going, and i dont feel i have a sense of humour...


    so this avoidance is like a protection system that stops me getting hurt (via rejection) as i feel if i go out with a girl there is no chance that she will ever like me ( because no girl who has ever interacted with me has been interested - the only girls who are interested are those "from afar")


    i guess i could jus go for it and then somehow put up wit the obvious rejection (after an awkward few hours) but i dont know if i want to put myself (and her) through all that...



  13. Hi,


    I met this girl a few days ago and she gave me her number, and we've been sending a few text messages.


    However I feel if I want to ask her out i should really ring her up! But its sooo nervewracking and im afraid that im gonna come accross as a loser cause im so nervous!!!


    So has anyone any advice?



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