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Posts posted by Charliehorse

  1. Another dream last night, I dreamt we were still friends and I happened to be

    at your place and your daughter was there too, you were seeing someone.

    He came in while I was there, I saw how you fawned over his happiness and

    your daughter did too, by your words and actions I saw how special you felt

    he was to you, it saddened me to my deepest depth.

    I just wanted to slip out of there unnoticed so I could cry in solitude,

    I woke up weeping.

  2. A lot to be told to you,how you dumped me after 12 yrs of marriage for no other good reason than you didn't need me

    anymore to help raise your very delinquent child because you had no backbone and wished you could be a best friend

    rather than a parent. How you dumped me 4 days after my brother died, how you dumped me 1 month before I had

    kidney surgery, how you confided in a man that had little more to offer you than a STD, how when I was hospitalized

    for an infection in my jaw bone and you came to see me It seemed the only thing you were interested in was have I

    talked to my lawyer, screw that!

    After I moved out of state to try and start a new life and you would call on occasion to play the let's be friends bull$hit

    to ease your guilt and you told me that I was still important to you of which I had to laugh and said I have to go, that

    was the last time I spoke to you over a year ago, it's been 2 years since our split which only you wanted.


    You still haunt my dreams to this day. Go Away

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