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shoot me

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Posts posted by shoot me

  1. Thanks. I have to say that giving up on this is something that I really don't wanna do. I feel as though if I give her the space that she wants that we will never get back together. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated. I''m losing my mind here!!!!

  2. My girlfriend (ex now) and I have been together off and on for the past 8 years. We have a 3 year old son. she broke up with me about a week ago. For the past couple of months before we broke up we were talking about moving out together, we looked at houses and so on. We've had our ups and downs like any other relationships but lately i have really put forth an effort to make things work between us. Now she is telling me that she wants time to herself and that she isn't in love with me anymore and that for the past year she hasn't been but she thought those feelings would just go away. I'm wondering, is she scared? Or what's going on? I've made my feelings clear to her telling her that in me she has someone that accepts her, that will support her when life gets tough and most impotantly someone that loves her unconditionally. I don't want this to end, I even suggested we see a counsellor but she isn't willing. she seems to think that it's too late. Is it too late? What else can i do?

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