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Posts posted by egram2001

  1. Hello Everyone,


    My wife cheated on me…again. Well, actually, it's the first time she's cheated since we got married. I'll start from the beginning. When we met she was 17 years old with two children and I was 20 years old with one. My child has never lived with us. Anyway, almost 12 years have pasted since we first met. We now have two biological children, and have been married a little over one year. I really love my wife. Before we got married, she cheated on me at least six times - officially. I say "officially" because she agrees with that number, but there have actually been eight affairs. I forgave her for those incidents because I cheated on her about two times myself. The good thing about us is we tell each other everything. I have not cheated since we've been married. In fact, I haven't even thought about it. That's why I was so surprised when she told me she cheated last week. It hit me like a ton of bricks. She claims she did it because I yelled at her and made her feel bad. She said that after I exploded and told her all these negative things about herself she hated me and wanted me to move out. For the first time in our relationship, she asked me to get the hell out – and she was serious. To make a long story short, I can't leave because I love her too much. Now that she's calmed down, and had an extramarital affair, she says she wants to work things out with me. Sounds like the problem's solved, right? Not so fast, it's not over. She only slept with this guy one time, but she talked to him for about three days over the phone. Now she says she likes him more than me. She told me that his love making is as good or better than mine, and that if we don't work out she's going to try and make it work with him. Did I mention he's only 18 years old! He's ten years younger than her - skinny, ugly, and broke. I have a professional career, look great, and I have two college degrees. Plus, I give her anything she wants. My question for you good people is should I move on or just try to get over it like always, and do you think it's over between her and this little Gremlin looking guy she cheated with. Thanks in advance for your advice.

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