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Posts posted by Oliver923

  1. I am on day three of no-contact.

    I posted my own forum previously..my ex told me he would contact me when he is ready. He randomly showed up at my home and I had a panic attack as it was unexpected and he was saying hurtful things to me before showing up. I called 911. It was taking it too far, and after apologizing, he said he would contact me and to give him space.


    Yesterday was thanksgiving and I was hoping for a text at least. I went back home to see family, and to keep my mind off the breakup. It is so hard for me to not reach out but I also fear it is my only chance at fixing anything, if there even is a chance.

    He is moving at the end of the month and I am afraid he is just cutting me off and is never going to speak to me again. I do not know if I could expect a call any minute, in a week, in a month, in a year. I moved out of state for him just this past month which makes me feel even more pathetic.

    I do not know when I should just move on and stop sulking. I want to bring him a thanksgiving plate and just leave it on his doorstep. I did write him a letter, and mailed that the night we talked and established the no contact, but have heard nothing.

    I know it has only been three days but I do hope he will soften and miss me during that time. I know he loves me but is just so angry. I do not know the steps to take to be forgiven..

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