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Posts posted by -am

  1. I have been in a wonderful loving relationship for about a year, and I am still amazed and in love. We have one of those special relationships where we are both extremely sexually active, and we work expecially well together as he is a voyeur and so forth.. things I love to satisfy for him. Alright well you get the picture.

    My question involves my childhood. My parents were both physically abusive, hitting and so on, That was never really a problem for me, but now I am battling the emotional long term affects of such a relationship. For example, my boyfriend can be extremely jealous, and at moments i wish he would hit me.. as I could deal with the physical abuse much easier than his disappointment in me. Now for this, my reaction I understand well enough (luckily he would never hurt me).. But my question is that these emotional quirks I relive occur sexually as well.

    I guess really what Im asking some advice on is how many enjoy some form of .. er.. masochism and have been sexually abused as a child? I have no memories of being sexually abused, but then I dont remember much of my childhood as it was painful, and it is quite possible. Sometimes i have dreams.. But generally, I am trying to get over all of this and become someone I want to be for once.. and I am doing great so far. Just wondering if anyone out there has experienced similar difficulties in their relationships due to sexual abuse as a child, or rather what is the likelihood? [/i]

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