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Posts posted by mr_niceguy

  1. Hows everybody doing? I do okay with 1 on 1 conversations but put me in a group I might as well not even be there, and I also do that akward silence thing and I hate that when I got nothing to say. There is this girl i got a date with her finally and Im having trouble telling if she's is intrested its like on and off type of thing she say's she in to me and im defanitly in to her, but it always seems like a friendship type of thing. How can I get past this?

    I don't get to see her that often either going from class to class, I always miss her, so I dont get that much of a impression on her from me from day to day.

    SO i guess what can I do to get her to think of me more than just a friend and just think of me more.


    man thats good to get off my chest,

    so I guess if anybody can give me some pointers it would help alot.

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