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Posts posted by Sarvajit

  1. ur advice made me feel better. and haha yeah i joined this site to see what kind of help u guys would offer. i feel so lonely and sad..just absolutely miserable.

    i dont really know what to do with my life..

    i know im only 17 but our love seemed everlasting..and we talked about everythingg..like getting married, kids and wow..so much more. i never thought this day would have came. the last thing i had to worrry about was him cheating on meeee..and then breaking up.

    i know i wouldnt probably be truly happy with him, but atleast id get to be with him.

    anything to make him mine again

  2. My ex boyfriend and i had been going out since last october, we broke up on dec 1st because he told me he was cheating on me. i was really shocked that he told me that he had cheated on me..but i was still willing to work things out. i wanted to just be with him so much that i would even try to forget that he did stuff with another girl (it was a couple times). i saw him recently after he made out, cuddled etc with the girl and we did stuff together. he has been the first boyfriend ive done stuff with, and it really reeally meant a lot to me. somwhere deep down inside of me..i dont think he cheated on me..but they again..why would he lie? i asked him to tell me the truth about everything and tell me if that was just an excuse for breaking up with me. anyhow i cant seem to get him out of my head. school is hell for me b/c i cannot concentrate and i cry. i have to leave class so i can just cry. i have had a lot of support, but its just not working. i feel so depressed...i feel like im no one. i feel like just cuddling up into a ball and crying my heart out.

    how can i get over him??

    i need help

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