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Posts posted by Tinysexy

  1. You guys really are going to tell me all the logic that is possible behind this. I really wish I could just sit here and tell you everything that goes on. I do love my family and do feel that they will be there always. It's all my fault that this happened, I was the one that convinced him to do it. He never was going to do it in the first place. Also she treats him with no respect and does things to him that he does not deserve. He's 19 and my sister is 21. He lives alone and has a job and he has not asked my sis to move in with him because he knows that it won't work. Why doesn't he leave her, well because she so claims that she will end her life if he did. Which kills me everyday they fight, everyday she comes to me about this and that and then he calls me and tells me this and that. He is really falling behind at work. she really stresses him out. I think I am the only one he finds peace in. He wants to just leave us both alone and not deal with any of us but he is so sweet that he suffers for her sake and I don't know who elses. I may not make sense and people will hate me and I know I won't be with him forever but I feel that for the mean time I can enjoy this person. I must admit it's not about attraction either because he is not all that, it's his mind and kindness. When I first saw him I thought he was weird but after I really had the chance to know him he is a wonderful person.


    I thank you for your advice and will take into consideration.....but not just yet I have to think it out and talk with him.

  2. My problem must be the worst that any of you have heard of. I have a sister and I love her to death but the only problem I have is that I have been seeing her boyfriend for the past 6 months. I love him so much and it kills me to be this way. He is in a bad relationship with my sister and I feel that she does not deserve him. There is another problem also that he is older than I am but to me age is just a number. I wish there was something I can do to change this but I dont know what to do.

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