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Posts posted by LostNTheWavez

  1. I have two stories, both mine. I'll keep them short.


    1) An ex reconnected after 15 years of silence. We had a tremendously difficult but passionate relationship in our 20's. I left him to join the military because he had a drug problem and I had enough. He contacted me in July of this year. Over the course of a month, we talked of a possible future. He had supposedly changed and was a different man. I've posted this story here for further information about what happened.

    We decided to meet up and make up for lost time. The next thing I know is he is telling me that he is working things out with his ex-wife and that he wants to be friends. So I guess that's a story of reconciliation, but not for me. Oh well. NC for him.


    2) I met Jay at a concert 8 years ago and we started out hot and heavy. We were together for a year and a half before he decided he wanted to work things out with his ex who had been contacting him begging for a second chance. Again, NC for him. I didn't talk to him for 6 years. He tried, but I ignored. It was the most difficult thing to do but I knew I had to do it. I was alone for 6 years after him, until the guy in the previous story contacted me. I ended up contacting Jay again this August after what happened with the guy above. He's divorced from the ex and has really opened up about what happened and how he feels/felt about me. We are not together, but I think that chance is much more likely because of this long time of NC.

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