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Jennifer weave

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Posts posted by Jennifer weave

  1. (I got this idea from another forum I visit frequently, if one like this already exists by all means ignore / delete this one.)


    OK, it seems a few of us have had a rough time with the darned NC. I had fantasies today of unloading all this anger, longing, and "W-T-F" onto my ex. I am creating this thread as a place for all of us in pain to post instead of contacting Ms/Mr ex. It could actually be kind of fun, at least a release.


    What would you like to tell him or her? Even if it's been building up for years, post it here! Rage-fest! Longing-fest! DO NOT CONTACT that frigging ex, put it all here!!


    I miss you so much, and there's so much I want to apologize for. I acted horribly vindictive after you dumped me. I wrote a lot of mean and hateful things. Even though you took the cowardly way out, and broke my heart through a text, and replaced me within weeks, I hope you find happiness, and she fills every void I couldn't. I can't send this to you, because you asked me not to contact you....but you are my twin flame, so I know you feel this energy. Good luck, and be happy.

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