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Posts posted by Mysticraven

  1. My mom is driving me insane. I mean I'm not lying when I say that. She's just too overbearing with me and I don't think I can take it anymore. I mean I just turned 19 and she still treats me like I'm 16. Like she doesn't let me hang out with any of my friends and she's always questioning me about who I'm emailing and she's always checking my phone to make sure that no one she doesn't like has called me recently and if they have then she yells at me and calls me things that she shouldn't I mean now my friends hate her and they don't want to be friends with me anymore because of her. I mean she doesn't do this to my brother who's 16 and gets into way more trouble than I ever have and is probably doing drugs. It seems that lately things have been getting worse because these past two weeks there hasn't been one single day where we haven't yelled at each other at least once. It just seems like I can't do anything right anymore and especially my religion has been her biggest target about me being pagan and she calls me all kinds of names regarding that. Its just gotten to the point where I don't know how much more I can take. A little help on the issue would be nice cause I mean it feels like I've tried everything with her and nothing works.Thanks~Laura~

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