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Posts posted by frostilicus

  1. Ok here's the deal... I met my girlfriend while she was on the outs with her ex-boyfriend. They lived together but slept in separate rooms, and in the beginning, I didn't mind. We both seemed like we just wanted to have some fun, she wanted to feel wanted once again (they had been fighting and generally not speaking for 8 months at this point). She claimed that the reason she hadn't moved out and couldn't for some time was that her family owed him a large sum of money, and he'd threatened to take legal action against them if she were to leave him. I was understanding and continued to see her. Of course, feelings arose, emotions bubbled, and something came from nothing. We've been together for about 1 year and 5 months now, 9 months of which have been since she moved out. I know that she loves me, and I am madly in love with her, however this is where things get complicated. I'm 22 and she is 26, this is a problem for her. To illustrate my frustration, her old boyfriend was 36 or so and very successful. She thinks that I'm too young to know what I want, which in some ways may be true, but I'm not too young to know when something is too good to let go, or to pass up, and that the benefits of staying with her vastly outweigh the cost (if you must call it that). This woman is everything I've ever wanted in a partner. She gets along with everyone, she loves hockey and watches more sportscenter than I do, she loves my dry sense of humor... I could go on forever but this isn't the point of the story.


    So here I am, 1 and a half years and I feel like she can't leave her old relationship behind. they talk like 3 times a week and send each other emails all the time. She made the mistake of leaving an email he'd sent her up on the computer and I felt kind of bad about reading it, but hey, it's her fault if she leaves it out on accident. She's been bugging me about getting a boob job and I told her that I would have no problem buying some fake tits for her once we're married or on our way to getting married, and after she hangs up her misgivings about my age and takes me more seriously. Well, in the email, he was responding to her request that, for her birthday, he gets her the surgeory. He said that he would, if she would come back to him and commit to him, and made a reference to how much he looked forward to putting his hands on them. Her response was basically "oh you and your conditions!" Kind of playful. But what really bothered me is that she signed the bottom of the letter "love, ****". I feel that i'm the only man outsude of her family that she should be saying this too and it reinforces the gut feeling that I've had about her still having feelings for him. She says they are just friends and that there is no chance of them getting back together (too much respect lost and whatnot, but I just don't believe it). Should I be bothered by the love remark, I mean it is hard to bury old feelings, but still...So, in your opinion, do you feel that she's cheating or going to cheat? Should i break it off? Before all of this, about 3 months ago, I bought her a promise ring and told her that she was everything I will ever want, am I just being paranoid?

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