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Posts posted by elyse

  1. I agree with them, you may feel distgusting, not worth it. But trust me, its not the way you want to take. It wont solve anything it'll add another problem.

    Who ever told you there was anything wrong with you?

    All of us can usually look back in our pasts and find one moment where either someone was disappointed at us or we were disappointed with ourselves.


    You are special, lovely and worth it. You just have to remember that.

    All of us are messed up in someway....

    I cut, and I have to remember that myself. And with this message....I'll stop.


  2. Hey

    I cut, occasionally....with sharp scissors, left forearm. And I'm the last person you would expect to do it too.

    I'll probably stop soon, but I just have to get it out someway. And I dont do it cause I want to rebel against the world or my parents or anything, my parents are great...I....I just get so angry at myself...I just get so disappointed with me. I do bad things, and..........its like I punish myself.....it I hurt and punish myself then they cant get mad at me, or punish me because in my head I've done it already. Its bad I know, but in my head sometimes I think its what I deserve.......to sting.


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