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Posts posted by throw

  1. You were my first everything. And now, I'm robbed of it all. You've taken my purity and my innocence. I don't know what to believe anymore. We had just gone on a wonderful holiday - was that all a lie? You were just discussing marriage plans 2 weeks before the breakup - lies again? I can't trust another man when he says he loves me. I can't trust another man when he says he will always be there for me. I can't trust myself to be a good judge of character. You've tainted my perception of love. Of happiness. And now here I am, in a city where we fell in love with so many memories haunting me whilst you get to escape back to your hometown - surrounded by family and friends. Here I am, left to pick up the pieces. You're a horrible person for doing this to me. To another human being. And still, I love you? It's not fair... Why do I still love you?

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