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phase 2

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Posts posted by phase 2

  1. Hi there-


    I completely sympathize with you. My best friend was in the same situation you are in right now. She decided to wait to see if her boyfriend would eventually propose...he did not. He had the emotional relationship and felt loved daily. Why did he need to take on the additional stress?


    After 3 1/2 years, your boyfriend should really know if he wants to marry you. Please do not take this personally, but it sounds like your boyfriend is trying to confirm that the grass is not greener elsewhere. What happens if he meets someone else and leaves you? You would be devastated! After the amount of time you've been with him, he must really care about you. He may just need to be reminded of how much. How about taking a break and dating other people. I guarantee he will go nuts thinking that you are out there looking for someone else. If he moves on, then it wasn't meant to be. As someone who recently got out of a 5 year relationship, I promise you that there are other great guys out there! You will just have to be willing to get through the sad days in order to find the happy ones.


    I wish you well in whatever you choose!

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