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Posts posted by crazybiker

  1. Hmmm....when i come to think of it, there were a few times where I caught her looking at me from accross my school. A lot of times, its hard to catch her looking since she sits in front of me in class and theres not many other places I see her other than class...

  2. Theres this girl I like in school and she knows I like her. Everytime I see her, she tries to avoid eye contact with me even though we are like standing face to face. I don't really know if thats a sign shes not interested in me or not.


    I recently had a party and we were all playing truth or dare...a game suggested by this girl. Is it possible that she wanted something to happen? Also, 2 of her/my friends went up to her at different times and both asked "Do you like him" and "Would you go out with him if he asked" and she said "I dunno" At the party I had, someone asked her if she liked me and she didnt give an answer but rather tried avoiding to answer the question. Keep in mind that she has never had a b/f before and this is all new to her.


    She has told me on msn that I should get to know her a bit better before anything happens because I just met her in June...hanvet talked to her through July/Aug cuz school was out.


    So I have a few questions for you guys (and girls ).


    Do you think she likes me?

    Do you think she avoids eye contact because she doesnt want to talk to me?

    How would I start to engage a conversation with her? Since its hard to start one cuz she avoids eye contact with me and she 'pretends' that she doesnt see me.

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