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Posts posted by Anamiler

  1. well guys this is the problem i live with my boyfriend is family,

    now we have been living toguether for a year. When everything started

    all was a dream kissi kissi and everything sudenly it became to cahnge in

    to a nightmare when i got my first horrible fight with my father in law.

    i was talking to my boyfriend about my school tuition, cause he got mada at me for not telling him about the money i had to pay monthly, sudenly we start arguing and yelling.his father gets in to the conversation mind you that he does not speak english, only spanish.and me and my man was talking in english at that time when he got in to the conversation saying why did i had to yell at my man and whay i was always demanding for him to pay for everything, the guy went crazy cursing at me. mean while i was bacause my man did not say anything to defend me, he is sopose to propose to me on December and i don't know anymore what to do or say i feel betrayed and really sad. i can't stand the fact that he let his father give an opinion about our relationship, still i'm confused and don't know what to decide.................... please give me advise

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