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Posts posted by wonder01

  1. If you want someone to talk or write to, you are welcome to write me at email removed. I could use the company as well. If you write, write with CAPS in the message line so I know to look for ya. And... so that you feel comfortable writing to me, please don't include any personal info other than an email address I may write back to.


    Take care,



  2. Hello...


    I am a 45 year old male and I have ended up here for the same reason as many of you. I found the quote below very significant and would like to discuss it from a different perspective. The quote below:


    "She said that there is a growing trend for elderly women living single. Their husbands either die, and they end up living alone. She goes, "So learn to live alone.""


    What I am increasingly finding is that more women ARE "learing to live alone" - so much so they seem to stiff arm any attempts at anything. Hell... I would be happy to even just get a smile from a woman anymore. And no... I'm not some pathetic loser. I am grounded and not hard on the eyes so to speak but I am finding that women just don't ever seem interested anymore. They have their friends, their high paying jobs. They buy their own diamond rings. What need do they have for a male anymore? Is this the way they really think? I don't know but it sure feels that way.


    I'd give anything to feel needed or wanted anymore by a woman. However, I am realizing with despair that it ain't gonna happen and that realizaton hits harder with each "No".


    And please... don't write to me saying "perhaps you are going for the wrong women". Not true. I see nothing wrong at all for being attracted to an intelligent woman.


    Consequently, I'm about to sell this big ol empty house, take the profits and head for the beach to be a bohemian. What's the use in being responsible anymore?


    It is so strange... it seems the larger the population becomes the lonlier we all get.


    My hope has finally died.


    Steve in VA

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