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Posts posted by gefallener_engel

  1. this is very powerful and really spoke to me in an all knowing way and yet made me think. sorry if that makes no sense, but its how i felt. i really like. keep it up

  2. You pull them off

    One at a time

    To see me suffer

    Just for you own enjoyment

    You watch me stumble

    You laugh as I continuously fall

    One wing off at a time

    I can no longer fly

    It's all your fault

    It's all my fault

    It's interesting to see you smile

    Simple enjoyment by slight pleasures

    You pretend that you care

    Your smile shows your lie

    You could care less

    I'm just a toy

    As you watch me squirm

    You watch me struggle

    To get to tomorrow

    So aimlessly and blindly I crawl

    You have taken my legs

    My feet, my wings

    I call for help

    But no one is there

    To hear



  3. I look into your eyes

    As gentle as the moon glares

    At the small stars surrounding him

    I reach out to hold you

    When I see your tears

    As bloody as the sunset itself

    I hurt to see you hurt

    Just as the moon would cry

    Watching its stars bleed

    Right out of the nighttime sky

    My arms wrapped around

    Your gentle shoulders

    Pulling you closer to my heart

    I can feel you breathe

    In and out, slowly you shudder

    Crimson tears stain my shirt

    But I pull you closer

    You're so used to being pushed away

    But the only thing I push away

    Are the bloody tears out of your eyes

    I kiss your forehead

    As your confused eyes look up

    Right into mine

    Yes, babe, someone cares

    I wasn't to hear it all

    Spill, I'll hold you

    No longer will you fall

    No longer will the world spin and make you dizzy

    While you're in my arms

    I care to see you smile

    I hurt when you cry

    When you hurt

    When you hurt yourself

    Come closer to me, baby

    I want to make all the pain go


  4. im not much of a poet but i write all the time... i suck... so heres a poem anyway... dont fall out of your chairs OR wet yourselves from laughing too hard... actually if it makes you happy, then go right on ahead and do that...



    Reach up high

    Catch the stars as they fall out of the sky

    The world is ending

    And my wounds aren't mending

    The innocent child pulled the alarm

    There is no real end to self-harm

    Look up anyway

    The pain will end someday

    Throw away your sharp toys

    Silver metal makes a distinct noise

    As it hits the bottom

    The look of my razors seduction is no longer modern

    But I can't seem to resist

    As I drag it accross my wrist

    I want to take control of my life

    I have control with my knife

    The stars fall endlessly against my wrists

    Like a soft, crimson angel's kiss

    Fallen angels cry black tears

    They made a mistake to fulfill all fears

    Like me, totally misguided

    They hate life and try to fight it

    Watch the flowers frown as I walk by

    I make everything worse -- don't catch my eye

    I tried to catch the tears that fell

    But you got worse, I can tell

    I'm sorry for the pain I've caused

    But you never even paused

    When you saw my body cut wide open

    On the ground my soul is broken

    Stars still fall all around

    As my lifeless body lies on the ground

    Close my eyes, say goodbye

    I've finally curled up into a ball… and died.





  5. nice. short, simple to the point and deep. i really like it. when you're at the bottom you'd better start climbing up... i hate it (especially when you're out of shape like me) but its the only way to go, well unless you wanna run in circles at the bottom until you throw up on yourself... yeah thats what i thought! im a pretty sarcastic person but ill listen. pm me if u wanna talk anytime.



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