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Posts posted by Chi-Koumori

  1. 8) i still concider myself lucky hes a great guy all and all.and we're trying to understand why its so painful to go another round sometimes. he said it might be due to the way he was curcimsized the doctor said it was a bit too close a cut (sorry if i spelled it wrong)..but as for oral sex its me thats self conscious about my smell even though i take care of myself and all i sometimes feel that i could be completely odorless even after we've talked about its still hard for me to just say i'd like oral sex hehe


    ...thanks for your reply

  2. I've been with my boyfriend/he's 25 and i'm 18/ for 5months now in the beginning our sex life was more active and free also it was more free because we had the apartment to ourselves..but now that more people are in the home and we're not allowed to close the door it puts a HUGE strain on what i'd like to do sexualy; not to mention the fact that we're also in a long distance relationship i live in Ny and he lives in Nj and he works so i only see him maybe 2-3 times a week...but anyway..in my last relationship i was use to haveing privacy, daily orgasims, and sex toys..Now with not only the long distance but the fact that sexualy i'm very hungry for more.he lasts about 45mins where i can go for sixhours and he has a painful time going another round the most we've ever gone is twice..i recently bought a another toy in hopes to reach orgasim but its his first time so there hasn't been much use..


    Is it that i'm putting to much on getting off ?I'm just starting to introduce him to toys but he said its not something he'd use all the time but these days where i don't even cum its all i have..i hardly have privacy to masterbate and when i do thats the only time i ever really cum..another issue is oral sex we both love giving but ever since i told him i was inseqcure about the smells he has all but stopped even trying but the last time he did i came very close to orgasiming and since i'm shy and abit embrassed on how to tell him i'd like more oral sex..i'm lost at what to do we're both commited and love eachother very much but i'm beginning to think i'll never have fullfilling sex until he moves or we get a hotel room..

    anyone have advance on what i/we could do?

    thanks mucho in advance


    -Oversexed and depressed

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