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Posts posted by WannaBeStud

  1. Alright she is going to Cancun, as am I... Today I said "So you still going to Cancun?" And all she did was say "Yeah" really really quietly... I don't know if she means it or not but she makes it seem like she doesn't even want to talk to me.


    Would she get offended if I confronted her about it and say something like (example conversation):


    Me: So are you not that talkative or something?

    Her: (She replies with either yes or no)


    (if yes) Oh alright, everytime I talked to you I would get the impression you didn't want to talk to me, cause you barely ever talk.


    (If no) Oh okay, 'cause when I try to talk to you you always reply with short choppy answers and it makes me feel like you don't even want to talk to me.



    Would something like that offend her? I think I am thinking about this wayy too much. haha

  2. Okay, my problem is that I can never think of what to say to this girl who I know, we are kind of friends, we never talk a lot though...And I feel stupid because I am around her for about 3-4 hours a day...


    Background on her:

    Her and I are both "preps", she goes to a catholic school, she is a partier (drinks, smokes weed, smokes cigarettes but is trying to quit cigarettes), and that is about it... That is all I know and I have been around her for about 3 weeks now...


    What are good things to talk about, I just can't think of anything when I am around her and we sit right next to each other by ourselves everyday for about 20-30 minutes after school is out (she waits for a ride and I sit with her...She asked me to but then I don't even speak!)... Help me please!

  3. I have no problems talking to girls, in class etc where there is common things to talk about and I already know their names due to the teacher and stuff being there and saying their name. However, I need some advice on confronting random girls in the mall, etc.


    How do I start the conversation off after Hi? What do I ask to get their names? Do I just come straight out and be like "So what's your name"? Also, after I figure out their name, how do I ask for their number? Just come straight out and ask again?


    If someone could do an example conversation I would be most appreciative...Thanks!!

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