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Posts posted by Arif_ikth

  1. Hey, have just had a revelation. I think that this has given me the perfect chance to evaluate my relationship with my boyfriend - I wasn't exactly too happy with it because he was being to clingy.


    But I have thought it over, and I'm going to just keep this other guy as a good friend, and give my boyfriend another chance. We will need to talk things over, but I think that things will turn out ok Maybe we can just cool the relationship down a bit, because as a friend said to me before, we (my boyfriend and I) are not the same person; we are two different people with our own individual characters and lives and we have to remember that.


    I'm getting tired of this complication in my life so I'm going to try to sort it out and do the right thing.


    Thanks to all you guys for your advice, it has helped me to come to this conclusion and comforted me when I was down.


    All the best to you all,


  2. Hi! I'm a new member


    I have a problem and I wonder if anyone could help me. I have been with my boyfriend for almost two years, and I never thought I would be attracted to anybody else. But about three weeks ago, I met this guy at uni and we've started to really like each other. He knew I had a boyfriend and didn't want to split us up or see anybody get hurt, so we tried to just be good friends. I know three weeks doesn't sound a lot, but we clicked straight away and it feels like we've known each other for ages.


    I've spent a lot of time thinking about what I should do. I still love my boyfriend but I can't help having strong feelings for this other guy. Another thing is that my boyfriend lives about 5 hours away and so I don't get to see him very often during semesters, even though we talk every day.


    Today I decided to actually do something about my situation and called my boyfriend to tell him I would like to have some space to myself for a while i.e. take a 'break' from our relationship. I know he's really upset about this and I feel so bad for hurting him. There was nothing wrong with our relationship, but it just didn't feel right to me that I should like somebody else when we're together.


    I can see how this could end up in a really big mess with everybody getting hurt. I know it's selfish and greedy but I want to keep both of them and I just don't see how I can. Does anyone have any advice that could help me?




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