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Posts posted by Glashalfulguy

  1. Ive literally stopped counting the days after like 40 or so..(il figure it out sumtime)


    I personally think that most of us on this forum are actually trying to move on from our exes using the no contact rule. (like myself) but whats actually keeping me from thinking of her is not just what she did annd that i miss her is the fact that ive never "wrote" sumone of like this. This i think is the worst part..letting go entirely of this person that you used to love and hold. (literally acting as if they never existed) causes you to lie to urself day by day until you forget them entirely. It feels wrong in so many ways but YOU know that even seeing to them can ruin you all over again. its sickening but thats why they say love is like a drug.


    I used to be somewhat of a "dont give a guy" but this girl made me weak. That is what keeps me going..the fact that i was a strong individual before. (judging by my past life with the worst childhood ever, i know im not alone in this one.)


    I decided to type on this forum today cause a few days ago i ran into her mother.was a really nice and pleasant conversation we had. (her smile went down when i said i was doing fantastic in life right now) but today i almost ran into my ex. i was literally behind her and her mother infront of her. (she didnt see me, think her mother did though) but i stopped in my tracks in schock. Couldnt even think straight, turned around and walked out like a little (excuse me).


    Although i havent seen her in about 2 months i still panic when i do. seeing that person you lived with right in front of you and she is a total stranger now.


    How do you even forget about someone...

  2. Day 36 (Actualy stopped counting the days just checked the last date we talked)


    This is my second NC with the same girl.


    To make it clear to everyone on this forum..checking their profile does not reset the NC rule.in fact liking their posts or else them knowing your checking their stuff and knowing how you feel about what they did to you, then you should press the reset button. (hope i made it clear


    Okey now for the people here whom didnt receive any text or call during their NC i feel for you.(the worst feeling ever) seems im one of the lucky ones to have received about 4 very kind hearted text from my ex. (even though i never answered and just read it and deleted it straight away) The reason for my actions were that she has someone else and she made it clear on all her social networks. (it hurt like hell to see it but in reality she already lined this guy up before we could even fix our own relationship)


    So now im 36 days in and i have met new people but still have all these questions in my head. (havent received a message from her for about a week and a half, think she got the point.) I still sumtimes break down and think how someone can just do this to someone else whom did notihing to them.( so no matter how faithfull or loving and caring you are sum people will find an excuse to ditch you for someone else, maybe a sign of the GIGS)


    What ive learned is that people change..you have to either accept the change or deal with it. He/she is not the same person you fell in love with along time ago and no one he/she connects with will ever have that person you had. Thats the beauty of it.


    Sumtimes walking away from sumthing you really want, but know is going to hurt you, is the best choice no matter what it takes. WORK on yourself! NOT for the ex, NOT for someone else but for YOU. cause while you are ons this site or any other (like myself) and finding ways to "fix" all this your ex is going on with their lives like nothing happened.(the harsh truth but you should do the same if you ever want to reconcile with them.)


    If you ever wonder if they think about you or wonder were you are then the answer is YES. Ive seen it and ive been there. its human nature to think about somoene else whom was close to you for so long. (no matter how much he/she dislikes you.) Think about it the more you dislike someone the more you think about that person, but thats another story.im not saying your ex dislikes you for ignoring them or for not contacting them. IN fact time heals everything! See it from their perspective. (Yes we dont forget whatever happened but we forgive.)


    Now the NC rule is for you to heal and not them, but their not doing the same. they dont know about the 30 days, they dont know not to check social media, they probably still have photos of you on their phones. Their thinking you have moved on and how are you doing it so quickly and how can you not cry or beg for them. They think this is forever but you know its only a month. (their asking themselves questions like "was i such a crappy girl or boy friend that they can let go this easily"...even when they left you!) this is what the NC is doing for you but you have to obey the rules of it. You have to get semi over them and think of them like someone you would prob date but not really.(Get it? have some standards and put yourself first.love yourself be Selfish for a change,become confident,find ways to do so and you will become happy). This is how you gain control even if they dont send you a text or call. Ive done this twice with the same girl and still ive "flipped the switch TWICE" and YOU CAN DO IT TO!

  3. Day 22:


    Miss her like crazy!


    So after feeling well for sumtime and accepting what has happened this past few months i sumtimes still have these break downs from thinking of her. Mainly the fact that I believe that she doesnt feel the same way and how can she so easily cope with this when she was basically obssessed with me to begin with. How did I become so weak for someone i just loved. (well inlove with) This is my second time in no contact and im so afraid of making contact with her again but terrified of losing her forever. (now ive heard success stories of couples reuniting after years apart which keeps me going)


    The thing that bothers me the most is that within these past 22 days she contacted me about 3 times (via facebook and got my number from sumwhere for watsapp which was funny pics about stuff we used to laugh about) but i keep asking why still contact me? (she literally said that shes done and wants to be single and just friends but i dont want to see her move on or be there for her when the new guy breaks her heart) Ive been there before and it literaly breaks you in half. point is she has alot of admirers on her side and i dont want to hear this again everytime she talks.


    sumtimes i feel like i cant wait to meet someone new and start all over but at this stage im still comparing every girl to her( still need time i guess) but how long does it take to get over someone if your not even seeing a picture of them.(except for this morning i forgot that i have her parents on facebook and a pic of her just popped up and i freaked at how beautiful she was) Then i keep wondering how it is so easy for her to just move on like this after all weve been through.How can i give my all to someone ever again.


    Havent broken NC at all.did read the message she sent me and deleted her number again. Havent heard from her since.

  4. Day 17 (second time using NC with the same girl..think im insane lol)


    Okey so first of all thanx for starting this thread.(kind of a relief to see im not alone in this one).


    Well long story short the first NC went perfect she came back and confessed stuff and apologized like crazy but after a few weeks i noticed her having a long distance realationship with another guy wilst patching things up with me. gave her 3 chances to make a choice and screwing my own emotions up while waiting and boom!! couldnt take it anymre and lied by saying i dont want her anymore. (which i regret but how can you trust someone two timing you with a smile.)


    well i regret it so i went no contact again after her writing me of completely(not on instagram though). so about two weeks later she inbox's me on fb saying hi with a GIF but i didnt respond. just a few days later she asked for her stuff back (a face cloth and a eyebrow trimmer which is useless stuff if you ask me) just a way of getting my attention.but why after she wrote me off.(had a hard time not answering her and its killing me inside to not even check her profile or even a single pick of her on instagram.)


    so as you could guess im active on social media and posted a pick of myself on instagram and guess who was the first to like it.(yes my ex) but why is the question.(then again she is trying to get my friends attention on FB the whole time by commenting on basically everything he posts, and yes im jealous but i do nothing about it.) That was 4 days ago still going strong and still fighting not to check her profiles on anything. hoping that she does not fully move on this time.


    Strongs everyone this is about the hardest thing you can do in your life up until now but it worked for me and why not for you! (hopefully the second time for me.)

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