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Posts posted by Heartbrokenkid

  1. Hi, I was dumped on New Years Eve by my ex girlfriend of 8 years whom I have a 6 year old with. We have been arguing for the past few months prior to the breakup due to my anger and jealousy issues. And I'll admit I got too comfortable with the relationship and I did not show my love like I should have. My ex girlfriend basically wanted to break up to find herself and to see what she wants.


    After a few weeks we have decent to not so good convos.

    She has told me that she wants me to prove that I love her and to see if I change. She tells me that she really wants to get back together in the future but just not right now. She says she is not ready and still does not feel the same for me. She wants to learn to love me again. I asked her multiple times if she wants me to stop fighting for her and to leave her alone. She says no but sometimes her actions say otherwise.

    Her sister says she is in a phase where she just wants to go and whatnot.

    Again she says she doesn't feel anything for me but she also says she really wants to eat back together in the future. (I'm 28 she is 25)


    I really do want to reconcile with her and I have been working on myself to make myself better but also to be a better person for her and to be an ever better father.

    The breakup happened on New Year's Eve (over a month ago) is that considered still fresh? Please help any advice to get her back. Also some clarity on does she really want me back in the future like she says. And why not now?


    Thank you in advance

    Any advice?




    So last week my ex was coming back from the snow with her family. She texted me that my son wants to spend the night with me and to get him. Also she is dying to see me. We ended up not seeing each other that night but we went to the mall together the next day. Later on in the evening she text me "I enjoyed being with you today, it brought back memories" then around midnight she text me "I feel lost" "I want this, want us" "but my pride tells me no" "I can't be this weak".


    A week later we decided to go to the mall just us. It was a pretty ok day. We talked and laughed a little. She we accidentally touched each others hands. She said it was "old habits" She text me later that night she really enjoyed being with me today.


    So today i noticed she deleted one of our pictures off instagram. The most recent one. (But there are more of us still up.)


    I am very confused where we are right now.



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