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Posts posted by oXoX11

  1. I broke up with this girl last year, and then asked her back out and she said no, she just wanted to be friends. We broke up because it was like the first girl I really really liked and I never talked to her when I went out, so she thought I didn't like her and broke up with me. I'm really feeling it for this girl and want to get her back. I really like her. How do u think I should go about getting her back. She has a BF right now, but they are soon to break up.


    P.S. WE are both Freshman in high school.

  2. She broke up with me due to the fact that I didn't talk to her enough, but it was one of my first girls and I didn't know much about a relationship, now I really like this girl. I mean she's great. I just don't know how to approach her. I tried to get her back with her last year after we broke up, but she was quite upset with me because she really liked me and thougth I was just going out with her to have a girlfriend, because I didn't talk to her much after asking her out. I didn't talk to her because I was a little nervous, because I really really like her and didn't know what to do because it was my first girl I really actually liked. I still think she may like me as well, she's just shy. So Please somebody help me out here.

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