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Posts posted by Samantha1121

  1. I loved you so much even though you continued to treat me like crap. You break up with me and leave me aching for you and keep coming in and out of my life as it suited you. You often made me feel like nothing I did was good enough. You would talk down to me, but then you would build me back up and cause me to forget anything negative that you said. Our relationship was toxic. I walked on eggshells around you to try and not rock the boat. I constantly tried to keep you happy and lost part of myself. I kept thinking if I kept trying then things would get better. It all backfired. You tell me that I wasn't a good communicator, which I admit, but it was because I was scared to cause conflict or have my feelings dismissed as me being too sensitive or me being crazy. You've started dating some new girl, and I'm sure you're in the honeymoon phase so it all seems perfect...but you will eventually end things with her. You text me and tell me you think of me often, and you miss me, and you miss our sex life. I WILL NOT come back the next time you come asking me to. I wanted to continue a friendship, but I can't right now, maybe not ever. I refuse to be treated like this again. I deserve someone who will love me as much as I love them. I deserve someone who I can feel comfortable talking to when something is bothering me. I have held you on a pedestal for far too long. I'm done.

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