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Posts posted by whatdeww18

  1. Just to add some stories as I'm 2 months out of a break up and used this thread to help me get in a much better place:


    I actually don't know the details of the break up entirely, but they had been going out for around a year and a half. They broke up, and I just recently heard they both got back together a year after the break up and seem really happy together.


    The other is a reconciliation of a friend that he initiated. They had dated for most of high school. He wanted to find himself and date other girls and his ex agreed. She called him a few days later and said that she didn't want the break up anymore but he was firm with his decision. It ended up as a nasty break up and he went on to be single for a while, dated a girl for about 9 months wholly wishing for a new relationship to work out. It didn't work out because the differences were too much and he realized the first ex was what he wanted in a girlfriend, and he had to put in work to make things work. This is all about a year and a half after the initial break up.

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