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Posts posted by Vivi0476

  1. Finally thought I had stopped my destruction and found someone who seemingly cared for me... finally officially started dating someone who really all along wasn't a good communicator but now it just hurts more bc we are a couple. Not sure when I'm going to seee him and he does this thing where he ignores my questions and replies w something off topic. Not sure why. Just know I want to scream and hide and just give up on dating. Give up bc it's exhausting give up bc in tired to be willing to pour everything into something and continually be broken down time after time left wondering why? Why am I so disappointed w anyone I choose to date ? Why can't I find my spencer and y can't I love myself enough to get it ? Why is it taking so long and will it ever happen??

    Try not to see dating like a job interview or panning for gold. That's work and it should be fun. I was seeing someone for a while who did this get close/pull away, get close/pull away thing. As much as I was beginning to really like him, the rollercoaster was too much. I went NC on his fickle butt. Of course the "good morning, sunshine." Texts still come through I'm thinking he just wants to see if ill bite. But...NEXT! Anyway, my point is, it should be fun. Cut this dude off and work on you. You'll find "him" when you stop looking for him

  2. Your dog stopped sitting beside the door today. She didn't jump up when the neighbors friend with your identical big black truck drove up. She even came to me for affection this morning. I think we've both come to the realization that our man/alpha has left us. Its ok though. You're no longer the man that married me and rescued her. In his place is an abusive alcoholic. You've hit us both and both of us still missed you. Today though, we both take our lives back. She's my girl now. And I'll never even raise my voice to her.

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