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Posts posted by HailMary85

  1. It's been one day of NC. I tried to remain friends with my ex, seeing him once a week, but quickly realized I was the only one driving that. He was supposed to come over tonight for dinner - I cancelled yesterday and told him not to respond.


    I also took the initiative of blocking him on Facebook. One issue during our live-in relationship was that he continually (and I mean - 3-4x per day) looked at the profiles of certain exes and other random girls he once had a thing with. He was not friends with any of them which was weird - just looking at whatever they put on their public profile, which rarely changed. How messed up is that? Before I left, I bitterly said I guess I will be part of your FB stalk list now.


    I knew he is likely looking at mine, given the toxic and sad ending of our relationship (he was sobbing as I packed up my stuff). I offered a few times to really try to work things out - he declined.


    So here I am: blocked him. Alone on a Friday night. Trying to keep my head up.


    Never breaking NC. Day one of the rest of my life.

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