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Posts posted by Elasdnev

  1. Thanks for the replies. We both talked after all this happened and agreed to slow things way down and take our time with everything. We were just taken by a storm of emotion and let it get the best of us. As far as sex goes, we don't plan on letting that happen for a while. This whole situation between us just kind of popped up out of nowhere and we are still reeling from it. I apriciate your posts, that helps alot!

  2. I met this girl a while back and sparks just flew. We both connected on many different levels. We almost feel as though we were ment to be together. This is all pretty new to both of us so we are trying to sort everything out.


    Now she was raped when she was younger and it really really screwed her up in her head and her heart. She feels like she can't trust guys at all (which is why all these feelings towards me are confusing to her). She feels like she can trust me for some reason and we just met. I have a huge responsibilty now to show her that not all guys are mean.


    Now to the question I have. We started fooling around for the first time last night and she said she was having really intense sexual feelings which she has just never felt before. In all her years after the rape she had never felt what she was feeling last night. She thought that sexual stuff was just mediocre not an incredible explosion of feelings and emotions. So why exactly does she feel this with me? Is it a trust thing? Has anyone else experienced this?

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